¡¡¡¤Easy travel around huangshan
Huangshan Zhonghai Holiday Travel Service
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¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡What we can see here £º Huashan Mysterious Grottos¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡huangshan travel contact me¡¡¡¡¡¡

As a national key scenic spot in jianjiang Scenic area,Huashan
Mysterious Grottors lie in the east of Tunxi,Huangshan city.They
are the ruins of the ancient Huizhou Grottos . Great ,grand,
significant,sharp featured,rare at home,they are unique of the
Chinese Nation.

huangshan travel

The Grottos are worth researching and watching. The grotesque mysterious grottos hide in the
grottos. big pillars hold the ceiling of the grottos,circuitous and linked and in different
figures . Some of the ceilings look like water ripples. The are wonderful workmanship and honoured with "History Museum " of Ancient Huizhou stone culture.

A unique chain bridge links the mondern civilization with the ancient civilization. A
mysterious story after another just like the linked ancient grottos leads you into the
mysterious ancient Huizhou through the funnel of time . Here you can appreciate not only the
natural scenery of the Xin'an river ,but also think of the fantastic miracles nurtured by
the rich huizhou culture .

The couplet says:"There are flowers on the huashan:all the flowers are natural and each
flower is mysterious . all the grottos are though but hidden,each grottos is mysterious and

There are lots of mysterious to be fathomed and solved for you.



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